Project Description
Considered one of the most complex infrastructure projects undertaken by the City of Edmonton, the Walterdale Bridge Replacement project required a rigorous yet all-inclusive management approach to balance the desires of the stakeholders, design requirements and construction circumstances.
The City of Edmonton needed to replace the Walterdale Bridge with a signature style bridge that would be a point of pride for the city. The bridge is situated in Edmonton’s river valley, adjacent to natural environment, historically significant sites, a former industrial plant, and a recreation centre. The corridor handles a significant volume of the morning commute, serving as a major northbound entrance to the city’s downtown. Active transportation and recreational trails are an important element of the project.
ISL project managed partners Al-Terra Engineering and DIALOG (COWI) on this high profile $132 million project.
The approaches to the bridge on the north and south banks not only satisfy mobility requirements but also reinforce the signature quality of the bridge.
The following services were by ISL: project management; preliminary and detailed design (roadways, stormwater and structural elements the north promenade wall); as well as leadership and management of a complex multi-disciplinary team including bridge design, landscape architecture, historical and cultural review; environmental review; utilities review and design; structural finite element analysis (north promenade wall); public, stakeholder, and aboriginal consultation services; construction services; contract administration; and roadway safety audits.