Project Delivery Integration

Our Services
Environmental Management
Services for Land Development
Services for Forestry and Resource
Our experience includes work in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments from the BC coast to the rockies, and the forests and prairies of Alberta.
Fish and Fish Habitat Assessments
ISL’s Environmental Management team can call upon the support of other in house professionals including those in hydrotechnical and hydraulic engineering.
Regulatory Approvals and Notifications
Related Projects
Highway 3:02 Functional Planning Study
Bridges, Climate Resilience, Community Engagement, Environment, Environmental Infrastructure, Functional Planning, Geomatics, GIS, Hydrogeology, Hydrotechnical, Municipal, Preliminary Planning, Provincial, Southern Alberta, Structures, Transportation, Transportation Structures, Wildlife Passage
Environmental Management
ISL’s multidisciplinary Environmental Management team is comprised of professional biologists (P.Biol. and R.P.Bio.), qualified aquatic environmental specialists (QAES—A.B.) and qualified environmental monitors (QEP – B.C.) as well as Qualified Wetland Science Practitioners (QWSP) that can provide a wide suite of environmental expertise.
Solution-oriented professionals, we work with clients, design teams and contractors to provide in-depth understandings of their project requirements including existing site conditions, pertinent regulatory requirements, project impacts and mitigation as well as industry best management practices. Our team members have strong technical backgrounds and extensive field experience in aquatic, terrestrial and wetland environments and understand how approvals translate into action at construction.
Our Services Areas:
- Biophysical impact assessments (level 1, 2 and 3)
- Rare plant and rare ecological community assessments
- Wetland field assessments, classification, compensation and Wetland Assessment and Impact Reports (WAIR)
- Ecological land classification mapping
- Environmental regulatory liaison and permitting
- Fish inventory and aquatic habitat assessments
- Fish habitat offsetting and wildlife habitat design
- Restoration planting plans for native prairie, wetlands and watercourses
- Environmental construction operations (ECO) plans and environmental management plans
- Erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans
- Environmental monitoring and ESC inspections
- Post-construction monitoring and water quality monitoring
- Third party review
Services for Land Development
- Riparian are regulation (RAR) assessments
- Pre-purchase environmental due diligence assessments
- Phase 1 environmental site assessments (ESA)
- Environmental risk, constraints identification and feasibility assessments
- Planning level environmental inventories
- Erosion and sediment control plan drawings
- Erosion and sediment control inspections
- Nesting bird surveys and wildlife salvages
- Environmental monitoring and fish salvages
- Planting plans and landscape plans
- GPS, top-of-bank and edge-of-wetland surveys
- Environmental and impact assessments (EA, EIA)
- Environmental regulatory liaison and permitting (municipal, provincial and federal)

Services for Forestry and Resource
- Environmental monitoring and fish salvages
- Sediment and drainage plans
- Environmental management plans
- Erosion control plans
- Fish-passage culvert assessments
- Stream classification and inventory
- Dryland sort impact assessment and permitting
- Log dump impact assessment and permitting
- Environmental regulatory liaison and permitting
- Wildlife salvages and nesting bird surveys
- Environmental and impact assessments
- Stream and watershed restoration prescriptions and design
- GPS, surveying and GIS/mapping
Biophysical and Environmental Assessments
We work with landowners, land developers, municipalities and resources companies, providing them with desktop and field based biophysical and environmental assessments to assist with area structure plans, development plans, and provide information on regulatory approvals and requirements for construction.
Our Services Areas:
- Biophysical Impact Assessments/Environmental Assessments
- Pre-purchase due diligence
- Land development planning and constraints mapping (e.g. crown claimable wetlands)
- Pre-disturbance field assessments
- Wetland design
- Wetland monitoring and water quality sampling
- Restoration

Fish and Fish Habitat Assessments
Where it will benefit your project, ISL’s Environmental Management team can call upon the support of other in house professionals including those in hydrotechnical and hydraulic engineering, structural specialist bridge and stream crossing engineering.
- Design – including bioengineering and in stream habitat and hydraulic features
- Construction monitoring
- Fieldwork management
- Regulatory support
- Feasibility assessment
- Environmental design
- Hydraulic design
- Fish-passage assessment
- Environmental monitoring
Regulatory Approvals and Notifications
Environmental regulatory compliance is critical to project success. However, with national and provincial environmental and regulatory legislation and regulations constantly being updated, it can be challenging to stay current. This adds risk to meeting project timelines and budgets. Ultimately, who you choose to help you navigate the regulatory planning process is critical to your project’s success.
ISL has assembled a team of solution-oriented professionals to work with our clients, developers, designers and contractors to help you understand what is on the site, what regulations apply, how to mitigate impacts and comply with environmental regulations and what best practices should be applied during construction.
We help our clients implement these practices when it matters most.
With strong technical field backgrounds, in-depth knowledge of environmental regulatory requirements in Alberta and firsthand experience, our team brings a practical perspective to your project that translates approvals into action.
From desktop analysis to preemptively determine regulatory risks, to regulator liaison, construction monitoring and advice, ISL can guide your project from inception to completion—in a timely and efficient manner.
- Fisheries Act
- Canadian Navigable Waters Act
- Species At Risk Act
- Migratory Birds Convention Act
- Wildlife Act
- Public Lands Act
- Weed Act
- Water Act
- Code of Practice (COP) notification
- QAES Assessments
- WAIFs for temporary wetland disturbances
- WAIRs for permanent wetland disturbance
- Permanence Assessments