A road safety audit is a formal and independent safety performance review of a road transportation project by an experienced team of safety specialists, addressing the safety of all road users. It is a process for systematically
checking the safety of road transportation projects, based on sound road safety engineering principles and undertaken from the road users’ perspectives.
The objectives of the RSA are to identify design elements which may have a negative impact on the safety performance of the facility and to suggest corrective measures for consideration by the project owner at this stage.
The corrective measures suggested in a road safety audit report are not prescriptive and should be regarded as indicative of the nature of a solution, which may or may not be adopted by the design team “as is”.
ISL performs road safety audits are carried out following the procedures set out in the Transportation Association of Canada’s (TAC) Canadian Road Safety Audits Guide and the Ministry’s Road Safety Audit Guidelines. Studies include a start-up meeting, documents and drawings review, detailed field review, safety issues identifications, and recommendations. The Road Safety Audit are responded to in a formal written response which documents the actions to be taken by the Project Team to address the safety issues identified by the RSA.