community development
Creating Communites
Whether it is for residential, industrial or commercial land development, ISL’s Community Development group has the expertise and experience necessary to deliver sound, innovative and cost-effective solutions. Focused on our clients’ and project needs, the Community Development group provides comprehensive services in all aspects of urban and rural land development consulting. Depending on the project, our team also has access to ISL’s Transportation, Municipal, Water, Landscape Architecture and Community Planning disciplines; we deliver integrated solutions to ensure our clients’ needs are fully met.

happy dogs
Our Service Areas
Land Development Planning
- Annexations, Municipal Development Plans
- Area Structure Plans, redistricting and subdivision applications
- Pre-purchase assessments
- Assistance with Development Agreement negotiation
- Preliminary development budgets
Land Development Engineering
- Project coordination
- Preliminary planning and engineering studies
- Topographic surveys
- Sanitary sewer and water distribution analyses, and detailed design
- Storm sewer and stormwater management analyses, and detailed design
- Roads, sidewalks, trail systems design
- Shallow utilities coordination
- Coordination of legal survey and geotechnical requirements
- Lot grading design
- Assistance with Development Agreement negotiation, including security requirements
- Municipal, provincial and federal approvals
- Preliminary and detailed estimating
- Contract documentation and tendering
- Construction layout, monitoring and administration

Getting Approvals
Our traffic engineering team works with developers, architects, planners and contractors to evaluate the traffic implications of a project and to secure development approvals. We conduct traffic impact assessments to determine necessary road improvements as well as parking assessments for parking requirements. We are experienced in multi-modal transportation designs that incorporate public transit with multi-use pedestrian and bike paths. We are also an emerging leader in developing micro simulation models to support key decisions for major transportation projects