Heritage Services
ISL’s Heritage Services recognizes the historical, cultural, scientific, spiritual, and educational value of archaeological sites to First Nations, local communities, and the public. We understand providing heritage information and technical advice in a timely manner is a key component to the success of a project.
Committed to the respectful preservation of heritage, ISL’s archaeology team supports clients and communities throughout the identification, assessment, documentation, mitigation, and preservation process. We believe early, open, and frequent communication and engagement plays a large role in respectfully preserving heritage throughout a project’s life and beyond.
With over 35 years of combined experience, ISL’s in-house archaeologists offer consulting services that include effective heritage resource management planning, indigenous engagement, and archaeological assessments within BC.
Our Services
Desktop Studies
Preliminary Field Reconnaissance

First Nation Heritage Engagement
Regulatory and First Nation Permitting
Heritage Support for EAO Assessments
Heritage Risk Analysis

Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA)

Archaeological Site Alteration

Chance Find Management Plans, Presentations, and Callouts
Identification, Documentation, and Registration of Archaeological Sites
Technical Advice and Reporting
Post-impact Assessments

Monitoring, Excavation, and Mitigation

Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA)