First Avenue Improvements

Mission, BC

Project Details

Prim Consultant

District of Mission



Active Transportation | Award Winning | British Columbia | City | Construction Administration | Cyclists/Pedestrians | Landscape Architecture | Municipal Infastructure | Municipal Transportation | Municipalities | Streetscapes | Transportation | Urban Design | Urban Transportation

Project Profile


The District of Mission retained ISL to revitalize First Avenue, the District’s principal downtown commercial street. Theproject area extends from Grand Street to Horne Street– a distance of over 500 m – and requires upgrades to municipal infrastructure as well as a comprehensive new streetscape design. The streetscape design builds on previous planning work conducted as part of the Mission City Downtown Action Plan, which ISL participated in as a consultant.

While First Avenue will typically accommodate vehicular traffic, occasional road closures will open up the space for local street fairs and neighbourhood festivals. With that, the streetscape design aims to increase safety for all modes of transportation as well as create a welcoming and inviting area for local events.

New streetscape elements include: wider sidewalks with decorative detailing; street corner curb bulges; crosswalk surfacing treatments; road curb alignments; new and relocated catch basins; street trees; street furnishings, such as benches, bike racks, waste receptacles, bollards; and street lights with brackets for banners and hanging baskets.

ISL was responsible for site investigation, preliminary design, detailed design, tendering and construction services.

The team also generated a traffic management plan and a phased work plan to minimize disruption to vehicular and pedestrian traffic and commercial activities.