Kensington Avenue was designed with a rural cross-section, while Canada Way was designed as an urban cross-section, crossing the boundaries between the jurisdictions of MOTI and the City of Burnaby.
Client: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Location: Burnaby, BC, Canada
Project Type: Transportation
About This Project
The Highway 1 and Kensington Avenue Interchange was upgraded as part of the PMH1 project through the City of Burnaby. ISL re-designed the adjacent KACW intersection to enhance the movement of goods and traffic through this high volume “Tee” intersection. ISL’s design included widening for a six-lane cross-section on each leg of the intersection, including dual left and dual right turns. The intersection was re-aligned to reduce the existing skew angle, and to tie-in with the new PMH1 interchange. Kensington Avenue was designed with a rural cross-section, while Canada Way was designed as an urban cross-section, crossing the boundaries between the jurisdictions of MOTI and the City of Burnaby. A multifaceted system of guide signs and coordinated traffic signals were designed to substantially increase traffic capacity through dual turn lanes and interchange ramps; the system mitigates complex traffic mobility challenges in a remarkably constrained space.

Collaboration between ISL’s integrated services for Highway and Drainage Design, Landscape Architecture, and Structural Engineering fulfilled the Ministry’s obligation to the City of Burnaby for an aesthetic gateway feature promoting active transportation. Granite-faced retaining walls between Canada Way and Deer Lake Avenue enabled incorporation of bus-transit facilities, multi-user paths, stair cases, bicycle-routes, wheelchair accessible ramps, and extensive landscaping.
Other components of the KACW project encompassed the design of a combined retaining wall and sound wall adjacent to Grandview Highway, as well as the analysis and preliminary designs for sound walls at Lakeview Drive, Mayview Circle and Donovan Avenue
Integrated Expertise
- Transportation Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Municipal Engineering
- Supporting Services