ISL evaluated the treatment capacity of the existing facility and completed a desktop review of the influent and effluent parameters.
Client: Stoney Nakoda Tribal Administration

Location: Nakoda, AB

Project Type: Water Wastewater

About This Project

ISL was engaged by the Stoney Tribal Administration to conduct a performance review and operational assessment of the Nakoda Entertainment Resort’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. Some operational concerns had been noted in the recent past, such as plugged drum screen blinds, insufficient air scour of the membrane and membrane cassettes, surging permeate pumping systems and a less-than-expected lifespan of the membranes.

Working closely with GE Water and Process Technologies, ISL evaluated the treatment capacity of the existing facility and completed a desktop review of the influent and effluent parameters for the past three years. The operational assessment included a full evaluation of the headworks, wastewater tankage, membrane bioreactor, permeate flow, composite samplers, chemical containment and human-machine interface.

A visual inspection of the membrane bioreactor tank showed that the aeration system was not functioning as optimally as intended. ISL recommended introducing a second process train to provide redundancy so that, while maintenance is being conducting on one process train, the flow can be treated through the other process train.

A summary of the full assessment was provided to the client, along with associated upgrade recommendations and budgetary cost estimates for the improvements. Future project involvement may consist of capital upgrades, including for the treatment works and buildings.

A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programmer setup the system to record and also trend the plant data, thereby providing the plant operators with useful, long-term information to assist them in running the plant more effectively.

To help the client choose which upgrades to undertake, a cost-versus-benefit analysis was provided in the assessment report.

Integrated Expertise

  • Water Wastewater
  • Environmental Infrastructure
  • Municipal Engineering

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