Blending urban spaces with green infrastructure and foreshore habitat restoration.

Client: Matthews West

Location: Squamish, BC

Project Type: Municipal

About This Project

ISL provided detailed design and construction services for the Oceanfront Squamish Development, a 100-hectare brownfield project creating a vibrant extension of Downtown Squamish that is surrounded by sensitive tidal waters.

Oceanfront Squamish is a master planned development that integrates industrial, commercial, and residential areas with a large 4.5-hectare municipal park at the peninsula’s southern tip.

ISL’s role included site planning, complex servicing for both interim and ultimate development build-out, roadway design, site grading, and stormwater and foreshore design. Stormwater management featured hydraulic modeling for onsite distribution scenarios, addressing sea-level rise, and incorporating stormwater detention facilities.

Integrated Expertise

  • Municipal
  • Community Development
  • Water Wastewater