The project demonstrates that it is possible to make a walkable, vital community space where urban centres and highways intersect.
Client: City of Rossland

Location: Rossland, BC, Canada

Project Type: Municipal, Landscape Architecture

About This Project

When the highway through its downtown needed resurfacing, the City of Rossland partnered with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to upgrade the aging infrastructure along the corridor and revitalize its downtown. ISL delivered the project from design to development, creating a downtown space that was safe for all users and attracts new business. Based on consultation, the design solutions met the diverse needs of the community and stakeholders, and helped the City practice its sustainability policies in the heart of the community.

The project demonstrates that it is possible to make a walkable, vital community space where urban centres and highways intersect. It was built on budget within a tight 6-month timeframe in summer and fall 2012.

Innovative Solutions


  • ISL kept the safety of pedestrians at the forefront by extending curbs and using energy saving LED lighting Curb extensions and energy-saving LED lighting
  • Street trees are supported by an innovative soil cell system and a stormwater-fed gravity irrigation system, saving 2000m3 of potable water annually.
  • Placing concrete swales at the back of parking stalls provides an innovative drainage solution for dry access to parked cars. Nearby parking stations are designed for charging electric cars.
  • Community enhancements included extending the downtown park into the street and incorporating distinctive sculptures and street furniture that reflect Rossland’s unique heritage.

Integrated Expertise

  • Municipal Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Supporting Services
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