NORTH LETHBRIDGE REGIONAL PARK Once completed, the North Lethbridge Regional Park will be living extension of the slogan ‘a park of the people, by the people, for the people.’ Client: City of Lethbridge Location: Lethbridge, AB Project Type: Landscape...
DRIFTPILE WATER TREATMENT PLANT Innovative can sometimes be complex solutions, but the solution had to be such that the overall operation and maintenance of the facility was simplified and trouble-free. Client: Driftpile First Nation #450...
WILLINGDON LINEAR PARK Willingdon Linear Park features a multi-use urban path, custom furnishings and paving treatments and pedestrian level lighting all set in a generous green space with a new urban forest. Client: City of Burnaby Location: Burnaby, BC Project...
FLANDERS AVENUE INTERCHANGE Looking for a solution to improve access and comfort for all modes of transportation, CLC engaged ISL to lead the planning for upgrades to the Flanders Avenue Interchange. Client: Canada Lands Company and City of Calgary Location:...
CROWCHILD TRAIL STUDY AND ENGAGEMENT The Crowchild Trail Corridor Study identified short, medium and long-term plans to accommodate Calgary’s continued growth. Client: City of Calgary Location: Calgary, AB Project Type: Transportation, Community Engagement...
SEA TO SKY SUSPENSION BRIDGE & PLATFORMS The Sea to Sky Suspension Bridge provides an exciting way to experience nature with views of Howe Sound. Client: Sea to Sky Gondola Corporation Location: Squamish, British Columbia Project Type: Pedestrian Bridges About...
Project Description The project involved construction of Phase 2 Banff Elementary Replacement School after ISL completed Phase 1 in 2016. The new 2-phase, 2-storey building with an aggregate of 3,542-m2 replacement school combined the use of structural steel,...