SEA TO SKY SUSPENSION BRIDGE & PLATFORMS The Sea to Sky Suspension Bridge provides an exciting way to experience nature with views of Howe Sound. Client: Sea to Sky Gondola Corporation Location: Squamish, British Columbia Project Type: Pedestrian Bridges About...
Project Description The project involved construction of Phase 2 Banff Elementary Replacement School after ISL completed Phase 1 in 2016. The new 2-phase, 2-storey building with an aggregate of 3,542-m2 replacement school combined the use of structural steel,...
DIEFENBAKER BRIDGE The Diefenbaker Bridge Barrier and Guardrail Inspection and Repair project brought this vital piece of aging infrastructure up to modern codes and accommodated safety requirements for all users. Client: City of Prince Albert...
Project Description The Calgary Zoo’s old swing bridge over the Bow River that connected Zoo attractions had long been condemned, and when the 2013 floods hit the City of Calgary it was in the way of flood mitigation efforts. The bridge, originally built in 1960s was...
Project Description The Wilson’s Lifestyle Centre introduces an entirely new concept to Saskatoon – one yielding from the Netherlands where the complex was designed by Thermoflor. Going beyond the sale of plants and garden accessories, the Centre was designed...
Project Description The Calgary Zoo was among the first zoos in Canada to be accredited by all three global Zoological Associations and receives international recognition as one of the top zoos in the world for conservation research. With St. George’s Island...
Project Description Much like many municipalities throughout Alberta, the Town of Drayton Valley has experienced a dynamic growth in population and civic development. While this growth comes with many positive benefits, it also places inevitable stress on...
Project Description Located in southeast Calgary, the interchange provides access to major shopping and business centres and the surrounding residential communities. Macleod Trail serves approximately 60,000 vehicles/day, connecting south Calgary and...